BUMRUSH Girl of the Month: Natalie Portman
What’s not to love about Natalie Portman? She’s insanely beautiful, an extremely talented actress, and insanely beautiful. Ok, she may be a little too intell
igent; as she can speak like 6 languages and graduated from Harvard. A girl like that wouldn’t go slum diving, even in my most exciting dreams.
Best Movie: With the risk of sounding like some kind of child stalker, it’s The Professional, which currently sits at #38 on IMDB’s top 250 films. Not only is it an amazing film about a professional assassin and his 12 year old neighbor: It has knock-it-out of the park performances by Jean Reno and Gary Oldman and Portman is phenomenal as the 12 year old neighbor. Portman has done a lot of amazing work since, but nothing is as jaw dropping as seeing her give this adult acting performance as a pre-teen.
Also mad props to V for Vendetta, which is a powerful film that contains a great performance by Portman. I couldn’t stop thinking about the movie for a week after I saw it. That doesn’t happen to me very often.
Worst Movie: Star Wars: Episode II. Episode I was a horrible piece of elephant shit right on top of the Star Wars mythology, and while Episode II was a slightly smaller piece of shit, Portman’s role was bigger in it. Not that the train wreck was her fault by any stretch of the imagination; no amount of acting is going to save you when you have to read dialogue written by a group of untrained orangutans. Case in point:
Padme: I do not like this idea of hiding.
Anakin: Sometimes we must do what is requested of us.
Really, George Lucas? Star Wars is your career, your legacy, your everything and that’s the best you could do. Really?
Interesting Fact: How time will change even the most steadfast of things. Earlier in her career, Portman was totally against doing nude scenes, going so far as to say:
"Also I don't like anything that exploits young women. Yes, nudity can be really artistic and really beautiful, but I don't think we need to see young people naked. I'm not trying to censor or criticize anyone, but it's difficult for me to watch. I wonder if someone else decided for that young person that he or she would get naked.”
So, it came as a little bit of a surprise when she did her first nude scene in Wes Anderson’s short film, Hotel Chevalier, which was a prologue to The Darjeeling Limited. Her change of heart is our gain.
Best Movie: With the risk of sounding like some kind of child stalker, it’s The Professional, which currently sits at #38 on IMDB’s top 250 films. Not only is it an amazing film about a professional assassin and his 12 year old neighbor: It has knock-it-out of the park performances by Jean Reno and Gary Oldman and Portman is phenomenal as the 12 year old neighbor. Portman has done a lot of amazing work since, but nothing is as jaw dropping as seeing her give this adult acting performance as a pre-teen.
Also mad props to V for Vendetta, which is a powerful film that contains a great performance by Portman. I couldn’t stop thinking about the movie for a week after I saw it. That doesn’t happen to me very often.
Worst Movie: Star Wars: Episode II. Episode I was a horrible piece of elephant shit right on top of the Star Wars mythology, and while Episode II was a slightly smaller piece of shit, Portman’s role was bigger in it. Not that the train wreck was her fault by any stretch of the imagination; no amount of acting is going to save you when you have to read dialogue written by a group of untrained orangutans. Case in point:
Padme: I do not like this idea of hiding.
Anakin: Sometimes we must do what is requested of us.
Really, George Lucas? Star Wars is your career, your legacy, your everything and that’s the best you could do. Really?
Interesting Fact: How time will change even the most steadfast of things. Earlier in her career, Portman was totally against doing nude scenes, going so far as to say:
"Also I don't like anything that exploits young women. Yes, nudity can be really artistic and really beautiful, but I don't think we need to see young people naked. I'm not trying to censor or criticize anyone, but it's difficult for me to watch. I wonder if someone else decided for that young person that he or she would get naked.”
So, it came as a little bit of a surprise when she did her first nude scene in Wes Anderson’s short film, Hotel Chevalier, which was a prologue to The Darjeeling Limited. Her change of heart is our gain.