Monday, May 21, 2007 

JOHN RAMBO... is Back

Props to Aint-It-Cool and a promotional trailer for "John Rambo" with Sylvester Stallone. Watch for the part where he punches a guy's head clean off his body. Fierce.

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Thursday, May 17, 2007 

New Transformers Trailer

Hyped for the Transformers? Yeah, me too. The new high def trailer can be found here. It's more than meets the eye...


Tuesday, May 08, 2007 

It's Not Bragging If It's True

"I was sitting around the other day admiring how big my nuts are, when I came to the conclusion that they are somewhere between fairly giant and super giant."

My balls are huge

Hmmm, mine are pretty big too.

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The Landlord

So wrong and yet so funny. Will Ferrell in the Landlord.

The Landlord

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Fricken Voltron
Much like a shape-changing giant mecha robot, our powers are indeed mighty when combined

About The Men

  • "Getting in shape for this role, which is incredibly demanding, vocally, has been a lot of hard work, but I'm nailing it. I'm even kind of, at times, blowing my own mind, because I am even able to talk right now."
    -David Hasselhoff
  • "In December, I am going to Vietnam with my favorite charity, Wheels for Humanity."
    -David Hasselhoff
  • See us Nude! Biggs, or Maximus, or the Pimp Daddy


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